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Shop NowUniqus 8 Sheets 96PS Ie Hokey Temporary Tattoos Sports Themed Birthday Party Supplies Favors Decorations Decor Stickers For Kids
HOKEY BIRTHDAY PARTY SUPPLIES It belongs to our popular colletion and will aommodate your expetations at birthday party, party Decorations, and speial celebrations. Eah tattoo set overs 8 sheets in total with 96 Ps. The dimension of eah sheet is 6.13.1 Inches, Including tattoo Pieces that have proportions reasonable for s to kids. Our tattoo Stickers designed in different styles promise to develop the impression for the party. HOKEY TEMPORARY TATTOOS If you haven’t had the option for HOKEY themed birthday party Decorations yet,HOKEY tattoos complete with net, HOKEY puks, HOKEY helmet, field HOKEY, HOKEY skates, HOKEY mask, HOKEY hat, HOKEY balls will be a terrifi hoie for children on their momentous day. Sure enough to believe that kids have fun pclaying with our tattoo Stickers. The tattoo is the best for a birthday party together with the signifiant meaning that it says. SAFE AND HIGH QUALITY Our temporary tattoos are made of environmentally friendly materials and are nontoxi. These tattoos are made of highquality safety and green paper. USAGE First, you ut eah tattoo from the sheet and remove the transparent paper. Next, you stik it on your hands, arms, fae, or wherever you feel safe. You even an put it down on Glasss, suitase, water bottle, luggage, laptop, phone ase, et. Thirdly, wet it with a few drops of water and wait for about 2030 seonds, then remove the baking paper thoroughly. As a result, you have a velvety tattoo. As it is a temporary tattoo, you an remove it quikly using water, soap, or hand sanitizer. SATISFATORY SERVIE Not reommended for people with a history of sensitive skin. If symptoms appear, stop using immediately. Anyway, if you need help with using our produt, feel free to ontat us. We will mcake sure to solve problems and help you have a fantasti buying experiene.
Key Features:
• HOKEY TEMPORARY TATTOOS If you haven’t had the option for HOKEY themed birthday party Decorations yet,HOKEY tattoos complete with net, HOKEY puks, HOKEY helmet, field HOKEY, HOKEY skates, HOKEY mask, HOKEY hat, HOKEY balls will be a terrifi hoie for children on their momentous day. Sure enough to believe that kids have fun pclaying with our tattoo Stickers. The tattoo is the best for a birthday party together with the signifiant meaning that it says
• SAFE AND HIGH QUALITY Our temporary tattoos are made of environmentally friendly materials and are nontoxi. These tattoos are made of highquality safety and green paper
• USAGE First, you ut eah tattoo from the sheet and remove the transparent paper. Next, you stik it on your hands, arms, fae, or wherever you feel safe. You even an put it down on Glasss, suitase, water bottle, luggage, laptop, phone ase, et. Thirdly, wet it with a few drops of water and wait for about 2030 seonds, then remove the baking paper thoroughly. As a result, you have a velvety tattoo. As it is a temporary tattoo, you an remove it quikly using water, soap, or hand sanitizer
Country of Origin: USA
Manufacturer/Importer/Packed By: Uniqus
Availability: Estimated time of delivery is 15-20 days
Delivery Region : All over India
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