Refund and Return Policy

If the item you ordered arrives damaged, defective, doesn’t match the description, or is missing parts, you can get a free replacement as long as we have the exact item in stock.

Only a limited number of items are eligible for free replacements. If an eligible item is out of stock, it will not be replaced. A refund will only be issued for the returned item.

What are the conditions for Free Replacement?

You can ask for a free replacement of items that are still in stock and within the  return window of 7 days , as long as it’s the exact same item. Once you return the original item, we’ll send the replacement using standard shipping. Free replacements are available under the following conditions:

  • The item received is physically damaged;
  • Item received has missing parts or accessories;
  • The item received is different from the description on the product detail page on our website
  • The Item received is defective.


  • We do not issue refunds for products lacking an unboxing video.
  • A free replacement cannot be created for an item that was returned and replaced once earlier.

If your item is missing parts or accessories, try reaching out to the manufacturer for help. You can usually find their contact information on the packaging or in the paperwork that came with the item.