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Shop Now(Pack of 5 Multicolored Single Mode Flashlight: Red Light Flashlight Blue Light Flashlight Green Light Flashlight 395 UV Light Flashlight White LED Light Flashlight
There are FIVE single mode flashlights in the package: Red light flashlight, Blue light flashlight, Green light flashlight, 395 UV light flashlight, White light flashlight. Each flashlight emits true color LED light. Usage of Red flashlight and Green flashlight: Human’s eyes are most sensitive to the red or green range of light, but the red light or the green light is less sensitive for the animals in the dark, like hogs, coyotes, fox…so you can find them without disturbing them. They are good for night hunting observation.
Key Features:
• Usage of Blue flashlight: Blue light is perfect for night fishing, with blue flashlight, the reflective paint of the float with a slight fluorescence effect, with no reflex disturbance light, you can see the float clearly.
• Usage of 395 UV flashlight: It’s used as the pet stain detector; It reveals anti-counterfeit symbols; It’s also used to Inspect hotel rooms, to detect scorpions at night, and to show UV dyes when looking for fuel or gas leaks.
Country of Origin: USA
Manufacturer/Importer/Packed By: Wayllshine
Delivery Region : All over India
Availability: Estimated time of delivery is 15-20 days
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